After winning tickets to Beautycon London 2015 from Company magazine, me and my friend Natt Hill couldn't resist in the 4 hour drive down to London to join the celebrations of bloggers both style and beauty! Baring in mind this is the first time i've driven out of Yorkshire, whilst also being the furthest i've ever driven I got up at 3:30AM. By 5 I was ready to go get Natt ready for the 4 hour drive.
After 4 hours, 2 wrong turns and going around the same roundabout 3 times because I couldn't fathom out which exit we needed to be to not get totally lost, we get to London fresh as daisies at 9:15AM (even though we had pro passes so we could get in at 9AM) and after another 10 minutes of wandering backwards and forwards to find a door we FINALLY got in the Olympia in Kensington and could finally get started with the day!
The first thing we did when we got there was obviously get our free goodie bag and t-shirt! So many goodies in there! (so many that they get their own blog post next..)
Our next move was straight to the NYX stall in which we had to take a selfie and tag them on Instagram to win a free piece of makeup HURRAY!
I got a cute little lilac mascara which matches my lilac hair! Then we went to the photobooth.. and created this masterpiece #suckastrawberry such a lovely pair we are in these photographs! We're all about looking pro thats why this was created!
We then took a trip to the other stalls that were there such as Benefit Cosmetics, Stylondon, Liz Earle
Stylondon was one of my favourite stalls because you got to create your own design or metallic tattoos with designs they had provided and once a lady had applied it for you if you took a photograph and tagged them you got a sheet of metallic tattoos! which is pretty cool really! I did a little boring one of a ram animal thing on my back.. but it got me a sheet of free tattoos and I love the design!
They also had some AMAZING nails on show I took a photo of a few to blog that were my favourite, I am definitely loving these designs and going to save up to get a few!
The black ones are my ultimate favourite, so sleek! its fair to say it was love at first sight! but they have a great range of nail beauty on their website and I've linked a bit further up so take a look at their items and the staff are great people!
Towards the end I also met Amy Pham who is the most gorgeous human i've ever met and the loveliest (she said she loved my outfit) FAN GIRL ALERT! which was a great thing to do because the queues were SO long to meet other bloggers and I wanted to see and do as much as I could in London that day as I don't get to go down often.
And after we had exhausted all of the stalls and all the freebies we took a little trip into London which wasn't as easy as most people would think as two Hull girls in London on a tube not knowing which ways up or down and as tired as all hell, well I could write a book on our tube experience!
If anyone went I hope you had a smashing day and if you didn't then it's worth a view and everyones so lovely! thank you for reading and please comment with your experience of the day! I would LOVE to hear about it!