Sunday, 14 June 2015


I know this isn't really a fashion related post but I just need to spread the word on my first day/night in Germany! 
I won't lie I was so scared to come as I've never been on a plane before (to my knowledge) and didn't know what to expect at all.. My best friend who I've come to see helped me a lot we was constantly on the phone in the airport because I didn't even know what to do! 
This is my best friend Jordan by the way. 

Once on the plane (finally) 
I was sat next to a nice lady called Helen, she was from the UK too but visiting her fiancé in Germany! Which I thought was so romantic I won't lie. But anyway she saw how nervous I was about the plane and she was so kind to me and when we was about to take off she gave me a chewy to help my ear popping situation. I must admit I did get a little bit scared when taking off though, I didn't even know planes went that fast or anything! I mean I know it's got to go some speed to get off the ground but gees Louise that was fast! 
The flight was quick and cool as a cucumber until we started to land and descend quite fast which got me panicking, because at first i didn't know what was happening. After landing the Helen stayed with me till Jordan came to me as shed obviously been here a lot more than I had and her fiancé hadn't arrived either but once I found Jordan I was so fine again! 
So after a drive, a plane, a train and a tram I was finally where I needed to be! And the first thing we did was get food  OBVIOUSLY and also nap.
Jordan was invited to a party down stairs in the accommodation we were at, in a car park? Yeah car park.. A multi-storey one, but yeah with Jordan's American friend (his name begins with an M) we went to this party and oh my god it was so cool! It was like a derelict room that had lights and a little DJ set in it with loud music it was great. Nobody but my and Jordan were English but they all spoke it which was fab! Jord has a good few friends here and they were all lovely to meet and yeah we just drank calsberg elephant which is like this amazing beer that is 7.5% so strong and was only €4.99 for 6 large-ish bottles which is like £3.16 for them which is amazing! I took a photo of one of the cans.
So we drank that and a little bit of vodka and then we was drunk enough to  dance with everyone. It was really kinda cool and what surprises me was everyone was about 19+ ish which is great as sometimes when you go to parties and it's full of younger people it's a bit odd. 
But yeah so far so good and if you wanna read more into my Germany experience keep checking back I'll be posting some more! 

And here's my view, lovely isn't it! 

 photo annasig-01.jpg

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