After spending a full day recovering from the party and the fact that Germany isn't open on Sunday's, we decided on Monday we would get up early and go to the ZOO! I love zoos and animals so it was fab idea. After dragging ourselves out of the flat at 7:55 we got on the tram to the train station, then the train to Hannover and then the bus to the Hannover Zoo! We got there about half 9-ish.
The first animal we got to see was a zebra with some type of gazelle animal which was cute! I love the fact that no 2 zebras have the same stripes and that they're as unique as a human finger print!
The next animals that had the pleasure of meeting us was the Pelicans which were so funny! There was a moody one on its own and it was like me! The good thing about this enclosure is that you could go in it to get closer to them. Their beaks are massive, like so big! I was gobsmacked, I've only ever seen one in finding nemo!
Next we saw flamingos and they were so pretty and pink, but what I found funny was the fact they slept on 1 leg... How uncomfortable, I've never seen these before either so it was a nice surprise as they were so cute and quite delicate looking!
After that we went to visit the hippos! It was SO SO SO big, enormous even! (Sorry for the bad photos) but there were children everywhere shouting and screaming so as you can imagine I was huffing trying to get a photograph! But it was great to experience it all the same! We also found a pretty fish in the hippo tank.
Moving on further into the zoo we came across little meerkats and they had the smallest babies ever they were so cute! My heart melted! The little baby ones got abandoned at one point because a small child screamed and they all got scared but they came back to save them thank the Lord!
We then went on a short boat ride around a small section of the zoo which showed us the zebra again, flamingos, rhino (briefly) some other animals and a LOT of ducks and ducklings! We also had our photo taken on the boat which we weren't ready for as I was pulling the most horrendous face and I don't think Jordan was even looking anywhere within the vicinity of the camera! Fair to say we didn't buy it.
We then moved on the see the giraffes. These are one of my favourite animals because they're so oddly shaped! One started to come over to eat the food that was near us so we got super excited for that, because they're so long I loved it! Some days I wish I was a giraffe!
After being pushed out by an influx of children we moved on to the monkey encloser which included sloths! And other kinds of monkeys. But we didn't get to see gorillas because they were cleaning the enclosure which was sad! But still the orang-utan was the best because it was so fascinating watching it trying to use a stick to get itself leaves! It was so clever! As for the other one it was being miserable on the floor and hiding. It looked the saddest! And the sloth just itched itself the whole time I stood and watched it!
We then got the fab chance to see some lions which was great because they're so amazing looking like, they could kill me in a heart beat but still I love to look at them! The male came through a bit later and his mane was so cool! Loved them!
Some of the other animals we saw were baboons, turtles, wolves and Buffaloes! All I've never seen before which was an experience. Baboons bottoms are the ugliest thing ever! Turtles are funny watching to try to get out of the water! Wolves reminded me of twilight but they just looked nasty not even that cute! And the Buffaloes were SO BIG! huge!
NEXT we saw the polar bear. Oh my god it was amazing I loved every second in its presence it was like an honour, it was so elegant and literally was like the one that's in Narnia if anyone's ever seen it.. Amazing animal! It dived in the water from a great height and it was just so amazing. A moment l definitely remember for ever, seeing a polar bear!
After that we ate our dinner, we had 2 sandwiches, a paprika chicken and let the and a cheese and lettuce, not bad to say we didn't have much in for out packed lunches I think we did quite well as spontaneous as it was! I also found €5 on the floor which was great and to be used on ice cream later..
Luckily after we had finished our din dins we was able to go see a seal show! In German of course so I understood very little, I mean like I know some german language enough to gather what they're kind of talking about if I pay enough attention! But no it was amazing, not only did they have seals but they had raindeers and an eagle also! To tell a story it was a lovely thing to watch. The seals were so happy!
We also saw some penguins at that time too which were pretty cute! They were tiny, like the ones in Mary poppins!! We also got a chance to see these been fed by the keeper lady but one kept nipping her so she picked it up and put it away! also the ducks kept eating all the Penguins fish but what can you do it was a laugh and I had ice cream at this point!
Then we moved on to one of my favourite animals of all time the elephant and I was so excited because we got SO CLOSE! literally feet away! Amazing experience, we also got to see them being fed and they all got in the bath for a wash first and then had chance to eat their dinner after they had done a little trick it was super cute
We also couldn't resist having a photo with the statue elephant, it was as good as we were going to get!
Next we saw the tiger, but first time around it wasn't really in view so the photographs were rubbish so Jordan wanted to go back later to see if it had moved and are we glad we did! I got down great shots of this beauty it was amazing it kept coming near us.
My personal favourite was this photo because the tiger actually almost looked straight into the camera lens! This is now my phone background because I love it so much! We stayed with the tiger for such a long time! I think it was getting sick of us!
We then skidaddled after this and went to come back to the flat and have tea! It was a great day and a great idea of Jordan's I loved it so much, I've never been to a zoo like it and I'd go again and again! I hope to go again one day in the future and will always remember it because it was so good!
Thanks for reading this amazingly long post! Hope you enjoyed!
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