Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Christmas Eve clobber

This Christmas Eve feeling a bit of fashsport with my adidas orignals with Topshop collab Christmassy sparkle socks and comfy ripped jeans, all about been comfy in winter and also warm.. I know I will (with the exception of my knees the same can't be said for them) hope you are too! Happy Christmas Eve 🎉🎈 
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Sunday, 14 December 2014

Back posting!

Been away for ages finished deadlines and doing Christmassy stuff.. But finally my first semester of uni is done and dusted if anyone's wanting to see my zine just on the link below:
And a few pages that I put together as mock ups
Glad it's finished though and I'm home for Christmas, got some lovely bargains for my friends and family! And some pretty little things for myself some gorgeous things from misguided really cheap sale atm I do really recommend, will be posting some other little posts with makeup and fashion throughout the week so keep checking in.

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